We Understand and Affirm that:
1. Any funds allocated will be used solely for the purpose stated.
2. Under no circumstance can a request be processed retroactively.
3. All applicants must have a representative from the organization requesting funding at all BUC Fund Committee meetings and the Senate Meeting.
4. Nothing is finalized until the Senate votes on the funding application. The SGA President may approve or veto. The SGA Advisor also has the right to approve all funding applications.
5. The organization/office will be responsible for filling out all proper paperwork before and after the trip or event.
For travel, you should make an appointment with Theresa Marlow in the Student Affair Office (439.5377) (marlowt@etsu.edu) to complete paperwork.
Requests for an honorarium or other contracted program and/or entertainment must be approved by the Senate at least fifteen working days before the event. You should make an appointment with Kim Young in the D.P. Culp University Center Office (439-7103) within two working days of the Senate’s approval, to complete a contract.
Failure to complete paperwork could result in no funding.
6. Any excess funds will be reimbursed to the SGA BUC fund account. This includes revenue generated by the funded event, up to the amount allocated by the BUC fund.
7. Requests for travel or purchases on/off campus must be submitted to the SGA office at least four weeks before the scheduled event. SGA funds lodging costs using a model of 4 students to a room if of the same sex. State of Tennessee mileage and hotel caps will be used and SGA funding will not exceed these amounts. All international travel must be registered with the ETSU Office of International Programs and Services and meet their guidelines. Students funded for travel must be enrolled. For summer travel, students must have been enrolled in spring semester and enrolled for fall semester courses at the time of travel.
8. Applicants must attach a sample of all advertising to be distributed for the BUC funded event. All advertisements must have the SGA logo AND the phrase “Funds provided by SGA/BUC Fund.” The SGA Logo is available on the SGA Buc Fund Website
9. In addition to the above advertising requirements, all advertisements must have the University Equal Opportunity access clause as well as the Student Government’s Disclaimer clause. Events who advertise without these required statements will be disqualified from receiving any funds from the SGA in the future.
a. University Equal Access Clause is as follows:
“ETSU is a Tennessee Board of Regents institution and is fully in accord with the belief that educational and employment opportunities should be available to all eligible persons without regard to age, sex, color, race, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation/gender identity.”
b. The ETSU Student Government Association disclaimer states:
“This event has been financially sponsored, either in it’s entirely, or partially by the ETSU Student Government Association (SGA) and its BUC (Better University Community) Fund. The views contained herein at this event or program do not necessarily represent the views of the ETSU Student Government Association, the SGA President or other members, the University, or the Tennessee Board of Regents. The ETSU SGA is fully in accord with the belief that all events and programs should be afforded the same opportunities that all US Citizens receive from the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.”
10. Registered organizations which receive their annual operating budgets from the Student Activities Allocations Committee may only apply for special project funding, for unforeseen campus opportunities once per academic year.
11. The SGA BUC Fund committee, or other offices, officials involved in the BUC Fund process has the right to review this organizations financial standing and records.
12. If on follow up after your event future funding will be jeopardized if BUC fund policies were not followed.
13. By submitting this form we state that we have agreed to the terms governing the allocation of funds available in the SGA constitution Title V and that everything stated on the form is true to the best of our knowledge.
14. The SGA Seed Money program may be dismantled at any time the executive branch deems appropriate.
15. We also agree to use allocated funds only for expenses approved by the proper officials.