Treasuring Christ Together Network (TCTN)
The Treasuring Christ Together Network is a partnership of churches that aims to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peoples through Jesus Christ by starting new churches. We seek to bring together like-minded church planters, leaders of new and existing churches, and leaders of other like-minded networks and denominations to accomplish this mission
TCTN Church Planting Residency
If God is calling you to plant a new church, it may be that a church planting residency in an existing TCTN church is the next step. The Residency is our way to come alongside the local church in church planting and to establish an intentional relationship designed to further evaluate, equip, and commission you as an approved TCTN church planter. We recommend the completion of a residency for all prospective church planters.
This application serves to start the process of your application for a TCTN residency.
The initial application is built upon four components:
Part 1: Personal Information
General Bio Information
Conversion, Call, and Spiritual Journey
Part 2: Network Alignment
Theology, Mission, Vision Affirmation
Part 3: Biblical Qualifications for Pastors/Planters
Conduct in the Home
Confirmation by Local Church
Part 4: Specifics to the Local Church’s Residency
Review local church’s documents: can you affirm their covenant, vision, and values?