Hello and welcome to our Adult adoption program!
Small Miracles strives to provide friendly, professional services with a personal touch! We acknowledge, and are sensitive to the fact that adoption can be stressful. We aim to provide the best possible service and to provide support along the way. Thank you for choosing A Small Miracle Adoption to assist you with your adoption.
Please review the attached documents. When you are ready to move forward, please complete the application, sign the contract and submit payment to Small Miracles. Please call or email if you have questions or concerns.
To be eligible to adopt in Alberta, the client must meet the basic requirements: Applicants must be a resident in the province of Alberta; Applicants must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident; Applicants and the adoptee must be in agreement to the adoption.
When it is time, we will complete your adoption application, prepare the appropriate Affidavits, and file your adoption application with the Court of King's Bench on your behalf. Once the Clerk of the Courts accept your adoption application and assign a file number, we will serve any of the necessary parties with an exact copy of the adoption application (if required).
Our process begins with you completing the Application online, submitting the necessary documents and paying the required fees.