Digital Fashion Pro Academic Quote Form
Please take a moment to fill the form so we can serve you better.
Your Name
E-mail (Please Use Your School Issued Email Address Not Your Personal Email Address)
School Name
District Name
Your Direct Phone Number
Your Position
Digital Fashion Pro Academic Quantity Needed (How many computers will it be installed on) Enter a Numeric Number.
Are you also interested in the CTE / FCS Fashion Designer Lesson Plan Package?
Please Select
What Operating System Will You Run Digital Fashion Pro On at Your School?
Windows Laptop or Computer
Mac OS Laptop or Computer
Windows & Macs Laptop or Computer
What is the computer set up at your school for your fashion design class? (Please only select one choice)
You have a computer lab or specific room where the students will use the software - year after year. The software will remain on these devices.
Each student has their own computer but returns it at the end of the year.
Each student has their own computer but returns it at the end of the semester.
Each student has their own computer but gets to keep it forever or at least until they graduate.
How many semesters per year is your fashion design class taught that will utilize Digital Fashion Pro?
1 Class a Year
2 Classes a year of the same students
2 Classes a year but different students per semester
How Soon Do You Plan to Order?
How Did You Hear About Us
To Serve You Better - What Is Your Budget For This Purchase?
Not Sure
$399 to $1,000
$1,000 - $2,000
$2000 - $4,000
$4000 - $5000
$5,000 - $10,000
$10,000 - $15,000
Comments/Special Requests
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