It is George Leck & Son Inc's company policy to perform certain background checks of its employees and applicants. This may include checking your previous employment, criminal and civil history, drug/alcohol test records, educational records, driving reocrds and credit history, etc. The report may contain information on your character, general reputation, personal characteristics and mode of living. In it, you may be the subject of a "consumer report" or an "investigative consumer report". The latter is obtained through personal interviews. We will use this information as part of the basis of our decision regarding your employment. Thus meants that your former employers and others may be contacted and a search of public and private recrds made. We may not obtain this information without your express written consent. You do have to consent; however, you will not be eligible for employment unless you agree to pay us to obtain this information. To help us ontain this information was sometimes use a consumer reporting agency. That agency is Concorde, Inc., 1835 Market Street, 12th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19103, 215-563-555 or 888-805-8885; www.concorde2000.com. In the event that we intend to make an adverse decision based on any information obtained, we will tell you and provide you with a copy of what we obtain; we will provde a copy of your rights in the form prescribed by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. If you would like a copy of any Report that we receive, you can obtain a copy by making that request to us in writing at this time.
Acknowledgement and Authorization
I acknowledge receipt of A SUMMARY OF YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE FAIR CREDIT REPORTING ACT. I authorize Company and Concorde to make lawful inquiries, including of my prior employers, and other entities and persons to verify my suitability for employment. This may include requests for information regarding my criminal, civil and motor vehicle records. I authorize the release of this information by any prior employer and anyone else having information or documentation about me to Company and Concorde. I authorize Concorde or other consumer reporting agencies to provide consumer and investigative consumer reports to you. I agree that so long I remain employed by the above named employer, this this Disclosure and Authorization shall remain in the effect and accordingly, it shall not be necessary for me to sign a new Disclosure and Authorization.