We have a limited number of Bursary places for people whose financial circumstances are such that they would not be able to afford to train with Breathworks without one.
We ask you to consider how much you are able to fund yourself. Our bursary places usually fund 50% of the concessionary rate for the whole course and accreditation fee, but if you can afford to pay more than 50% please state that on your application. Equally, if you cannot afford to pay 50% of the fees, please do still apply for a bursary and tell us how much you can afford. Usually, we will only be able to fund more than 50% of your fees if you meet several qualifying criteria.
We work hard to make our training as accessible as possible and prioritise our limited funds for people who experience significant financial hardship. We prioritise our resources for people living with physical and/or mental health conditions, people of colour and those who are members of other historically marginalised groups.
To apply, please complete this form alongside a training application form. We cannot consider your bursary application until you complete a training application form.