By typing your name into the signature blocks below, your application attests that the information you have given is accurate and true and also gives your current and past veterinarian permission to provide all information requested by us in regards to medical and preventative care given to any current and past pets.
You also give SOHO permission to perform background checks to ensure that you are a suitable foster and you affirm by your signature that you do not have a history of animal abuse or neglect.
The information contained in this application is material to our decision to place a dog into a home and will become part of the contract in the event you foster a dog for SOHO. You also agree to the following statement: I release, discharge, and hold harmless Save Our Herders Outreach, Inc., all individual volunteers, and anyone else associated with Save Our Herders Outreach Inc. from any charges or claims arising from my participation in any action related to the activities of Save Our Herders Outreach Inc. By affixing my digital signature and date below, I agree to these terms.