Final Guest and Vendor Numbers
We will use these numbers to create the final diagram.
Your Name
First Name
Last Name
How many are seated at the headtable? (please include the newly married couple in this number)
Please included the couple getting married
How many seated guests Including children (but not the headtable nor vendors)?
This is EVERYONE but not the headtable nor the vendors.
How many children were included in the number above?
How many vendors (planners, DJ, Band, photographers, video, etc.) will be eating?
If room capacity allows, we do sit vendors in the same room for dinner so that can pop up and work as needed. You don't need to count any of the catering staff in this - they will be fed by the caterer directly.
How many RSVP's are pending? In other words, how many people have yet to tell you if they are coming or not?
What is your best guess for how many tables you'll need? Don't forgot a table for vendors/backup seating.
Are there meal protein choices?
No, it's a buffet
No, everyone gets the same plate
Yes, there is a choice guests will need to pre-pick their meal
At your venue, how many guests fit around each table?
upto 8 per table
upto 10 per table
I do not know, I'll find out and email you
It's a mix of 8 and 10 top tables
If at The Conservatory venue - they are 10 tops but can fit upto 11
What other tables would you like?
A small cake table to display the cake for the ceremonial cake cutting
An escort card table to direct guests to their seats (you wont need this if having a sign and no small cards)
Always included: A multi-use table for guestbook/gift/cards/photos
An area for party favors (usually set on the gift table after dinner)
How will you be assigning seats?
I will having a sign that will tell guests their table number.
I will have a escort card - they will pick up their card to find their table number.
I will have open seating (FYI Not recomended - we will add a table or two so that there are more seating options)
I am having a cocktail setup with limited seated
Out of Box Events does print Seating Signs and Escort Cards, would you like a quote?
Yes please
No thank you
I am doing this on my own
Should be Empty: