~Story must have a rock star theme. Must have an erotic and/or romantic element. Any sexual orientation accepted.
~Story must be previously edited and generally error-free.
~Story must be at least 5K (5,000 words) but we will accept any other length including novels.
~Story can be a cliffhanger or the first in a series, but you must note that below.
~Story must be in edited WORD format - NO headers, NO images, NO tabs. Please NAME your file using the following format:
~Story should contain the BACK MATTER you want included (your bio, links to social media, Amazon author page and a short list of links to another book(s) if you like) at the end of your manuscript.
~Story must be available to be published now (you will be uploading it via this form) so nothing on spec. Previously published work will be accepted.
~Story does NOT have to be exclusive to this boxed set - it can be currently published elsewhere. However, it should NOT be published on any other site besides Amazon for the duration of this publication. If your story is accepted, you will be expected to remove it from all other sites for the 180-day duration of the boxed set's run, and Excessica will not be responsible for any consequences should you fail to remove your donated book from sale at other retailers
~Payment: $50 - payable in Excite Spice coupon codes.
NOTE: Filling out this form does NOT guarantee placement in the boxed set - you will be notified and sent a contract when your story/novella has been accepted.