Schedule C Validation Form
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Your Name (Tax Payer/Client)
First Name
Last Name
Spouse's Name (Tax Payer/Client)
First Name
Last Name
Your email where a copy of this form will be sent to you
Your Tax Preparer's Name
First Name
Last Name
Your Tax Preparer's Email is Required For Them to Receive a Copy of This Form
Please Click on the Acknowledgments & Sign If You Agree
I acknowledge that the amounts and figures I provided my tax preparer for my current year tax return is true and accurate in reference to my summary of income and expenses for my business.
I have verified the amounts and figures that have been entered into my current tax return in reference to my summary of income and expenses for my business.
Type Date You're Completing This Form
Other: Please Specify
Client Signature Acknowledgement (sign with your mouse)
Spouse's Signature Acknowledgement (if applicable)
Last 4 digits of your social security number
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