Applications are accepted on a rolling basis for the Art Gish Peacemaking Fund (AGPF). Priority will be given to youth or adults who want to develop new peacemaking projects or who want to take the first steps in getting involved in work to foster peace and justice. We are focusing on groups and individuals in Athens County, Ohio, with limited access to other sources of funding. Of particular interest are projects that work to end military intervention in international issues and projects that work to undo oppression, particularly sexism and racism.
Applicants can ask for up to $500. Recipients of the AGPF are asked to either present or submit a report on their peacemaking efforts after the grant project has been completed.
Donations to support the AGPF can be sent via check to the Appalachian Peace and Justice Network (APJN) at 18 N. College St. Athens, OH, 45701 with "AGPF" in the subject line. All donations are tax deductible.