Name of group/company/school 團體/公司/學校名稱
No. of volunteers (18 years old or above) 義工人數 (十八歲或以上)
10-15 participants
16-20 participants
21 or above participants
No. of volunteers (18 years old or above) 義工人數 (十八歲或以上)
No. of volunteers (18 years old or above) 義工人數 (十八歲或以上)
Availability 可參加日子
Weekdays only
Weekends only
Both Weekdays & Weekends
Contact Person 聯絡人
First Name
Last Name
Email of contact person 聯絡人電郵
Mobile number of contact person 聯絡人手提電話
Remarks 備註
Please tick here if you wish to receive news and information about Hong Kong Dog Rescue. 如你想收到更多香港救狗之家的資訊,請在方格畫上剔號。
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