First Name
Last Name
13 years or older:
Check areas you'd like to help with:
Facilitate Gathering: Help setup, clean, tear down, and run the various duties that are required for the gathering.
Worship: Musicians and singers to play with the band.
Safety Team: Help keep the children's area secure on Sundays by checking the name tags of the kids, parents, and teachers.
Van City Kids: Teach, and run the various duties that are required for Van City Kids. A background check will be required to serve with Van City Kids.
Van City Youth: Teach, and run the various duties that are required for Van City Youth. A background check will be required to serve with Van City Youth.
Hospitality Team: Welcome people and facilitate a warm and engaging environment.
Van City Justice Initiative
What would you like to do in the band?
Electric Guitar
Acoustic Guitar
Bass Guitar
Sound Mixing
Special Notes (Optional) :
You must be 13 years of age or older to submit personal information to Van City church. In compliance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998, Van City church does not accept name and e-mail address information from users who are under 13 years of age.
Should be Empty: