POOL RULES - McKinley Mill HOA
2025 SEASON: May 10 - September 14
All residents must register every year to use the pool. To enter and remain in the enclosed pool area, including the pool house, residents MUST:
1. Be in good standing with the HOA
2. Be registered with the HOA and Grandchester Meadows - Registration Form.
3. Be 18 years of age or older OR be accompanied by a resident who is at least 18 years of age.
4. Must have ID with the current McKinley Mill address; and,
5. Follow all rules and regulations listed in this notice or posted at the pool. Any resident 18 years or older who is accompanied by guests or children under 18 years of age IS REQUIRED TO REMAIN AT THE POOL WITH THEM AT ALL TIMES.
Unregistered Residents and non-residents found using the facilities will be asked to leave, and the police may be called for trespassing.
Registration must be completed prior to accessing the pool:
1. Go to the website and fill out the 2025 Registration Form.
2. After filling out the form, you will receive an e-mail receipt. Bring this to the pool with you for the first 2 weeks after you have registered.
**IF YOU ARE A RENTER, the home owner must fill out the form for you. The owner has the right to restrict your admittance to the pool. The home owner must decide if they themselves or the renters have access to the pool, it cannot be both.
Each household may bring up to four guests at any one time. Residents are responsible for making sure their guests are aware of and abide by all pool rules at all times. Each Resident is legally and financially responsible for his /her own actions AND all actions of his/her guests. Pool privileges shall be revoked for one year for violations of pool rules and regulations by a resident, the resident’s child[ren] or the resident’s guests and restitution to the homeowners’ association shall be made for any costs incurred as a result of such behavior BEFORE pool privileges are restored.
- Access to the pool by non-resident caregivers of resident children shall be grated once the following steps have been taken; These privileges are being allowed on the honor system with the understanding that the parents of the resident children are not home or physically able to supervise their own children.
- Caregivers must be a minimum of 18 years old and follow all the written pool regulations and directions given by the attendant on duty.
- Prior written notice must be given to and approved by the Pool Manager.
- Written notice must include a photocopy of the caregiver’s driver’s license or Government issued ID and be signed by both the resident and the caregiver(s).
- This written notice will be kept on file with the attendant for verification upon arrival and check in process.
- At no time, shall the caregiver be allowed access to the pool when not accompanied by the resident children.
Any violations of these rules will result in caregiver privileges being revoked.
- The pool phone is for emergency use only.
- No animals are legally allowed in the pool area. If inspectors find an animal in the pool area, the pool will be required to close for a minimum of 2-days for remedial cleaning. Any resident or his/her guest responsible for such closure shall be required to pay $1,000.00 to cover the costs charged to the homeowners’ association for remedial measures. Such resident’s pool privileges are suspended until payment is complete.
- No glass containers of any kind are allowed in the pool area. If inspectors find any broken glass on the premises, the pool will be required to be closed for a minimum of 4 days to allow for the remedial draining, cleaning and refilling of the pool, and cleaning of the pool deck. Any resident responsible for such closure will be required to pay $3,000.00 to cover the costs charged to the homeowners’ association for the violation. Such resident’s pool privileges are suspended until payment is complete.
- Please keep children properly hydrated by drinking water to avoid vomit contamination and closure of the pool.
- No food or drink (of any kind) in or within 6 feet of the pool. (Wake County Regulation; Section 15)
- Shower before using pool to avoid pool closures due to improper chemical balance.
- No running, pushing, wrestling or horseplay in the enclosed pool area.
- No diving, handstands, flips, or other gymnastic stunts into or around the pool area.
- Bathing suits must be worn to use the pool. Clothing and non-swimming footwear is forbidden. Infants must wear swim diapers; plastic pants are not allowed.
- Any adult accompanying a child using “water wings, floaties, or any other non-US Coast Guard approved and properly fitted” swim toys or aids is required at all times to stand within arm’s length of such child in the pool.
- No one with an infectious disease, inflamed eyes, nasal or ear discharge, open wounds or bandages will be allowed in the pool.
- No yelling, loud music, offensive behavior or profane language is allowed around the pool area. Bicycles, rollerblades and skateboards are not allowed in or attached to the enclosed pool area, but may be secured to the bike rack.
- Please put all trash in the trash cans and baby diapers and related materials in BATHROOM trashcans for sanitary reasons.
- Pool furniture and supplies shall not be removed from the pool area for any reason.
- The pool area parking lot is for the sole purpose of parking vehicles of those using the pool or playground. Skateboarding, rollerblading, bicycling, loitering or other use is expressly prohibited. The police will be called to address the misuse of this area due to on-going vandalism problems. Please monitor your children as vandalism committed by residents, including children of residents, or their guests in this area at any time will be reported to the police and will, in addition to any other legal remedies, result in the suspension of pool privileges for the resident’s household. Homeowners are responsible for the actions of their children and guests. The cost of any property damage will be charged to the responsible homeowner. Pool privileges will be suspended until restitution is complete. The pool service and homeowners’ association are not responsible for the loss or damage to any personal property of any kind.
SUSPENSION OF POOL PRIVILEGES FOR FAILURE TO PAY HOMEOWNERS’ ASSOCIATION DUES: Residents who have not paid their homeowners’ association dues in full on or before May 1st, or are in arrears on past years’ dues, shall not be admitted into or allowed to use the pool facilities until such time that their homeowner’s dues are paid in full. Payment must be made to McKinley Mill HOA in care of Grandchester Meadows. Grandchester Meadows shall be responsible for notifying Pool Management when pool privileges are reinstated.