By submitting this online 'RSU CIEL: International Exchange application form', I certify that I am the applicant named in this form. All information in this form, and documents provided for this application, are true and correct. I understand that if I have provided false or misleading information it may result in a decision not to accept me to participate in the Program, or, if already accepted, may lead to my dismissal. I fully understand if I am to join the program, I agree to;
1. follow the courses of study and abide by the rules and regulatins of Rangsit Universityand the law of Thailand;
2. act in such a manner that I will not bring disrepute to myself, Rangsit University, home institution or my country of citizenship during RSU CIEL: Exchange program;
3. abide by the rules and regulations governing my visa;
4. release information contained in this application form to relevant authorities and for RSU CIEL exchange student yearbook/semesterbook publication;
5. be responsible for any study materials, personal and medical expenses that shall incur during my exchange period at Rangsit University;
6. obtain full international travel and health insurance prior to the departure to Thailand;
7. the use of photographs of myself taken by RSU CIEL, Rangsit University - the likely uses include promotional materials, brochures, displays, expos, posters, cards, newspaper article, website, communication with eductional agents and advertising.
8. the terms and agreements as per the Memorandum of understanding established in regard to exchange activtity between my home institution and Rangsit University
9. liability waiver (available at CIEL's web site)
*Typing your name on the signature line constitutes an electronic signature.*