Using this form Sponsors can now send letters to their scholars at any time!
How does the program work?
1. Write a letter to your scholar (writing in English or Spanish is perfectly fine) and submit it using the form below.
2. A Starfish volunteer will translate your letter if necessary and our staff of educators in Ecuador will deliver it to your scholar.
3. Starfish educators in Ecuador will then collect, translate, and send a return letter from your scholar!
What should I write about?
Introduce yourself! Talk about hobbies, activities, friends, and family! Ask your scholar about their interests and how they spend free time. Please keep in mind the socioeconomic gap between you and your scholar. For example, you may write about families vacations, but focusing on some of the luxuries or expensive material items would not be appropriate. You can also respond to questions your Scholar has asked, or ask questions that you may have for them.