Puppy Coaching Form
For puppies 5 months of age and under. I do NOT service Saraland, Satsuma, Chickasaw, Eight Mile, Baldwin County, Downtown/Midtown, Dauphin Island, or Wilmer. Please email me mobiledogconsulting@gmail.com to verify I visit your area.
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Do you receive texts to this number?
What is the best way to contact you?
Phone call
Facebook Messenger
Physical Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
How did you hear about me?
About your puppy:
Please answer each applicable question so I am best prepared to help you!
Puppy's Name
Breed or mix
Where did you get your puppy? Please include NAME of rescue, shelter or breeder if applicable.
Puppy's age now or date of birth, if known:
How old was your puppy when you got him/her?
Is your puppy spayed or neutered?
Not Yet
Do not plan to spay or neuter
Puppy's sex:
Puppy's weight
Coat color
Do you use a crate with this puppy?
We have one but do not use it.
We use an ex-pen
We confine the puppy to a room (with or without baby gates)
Has your puppy ever seriously bitten a person or other animal?
If yes, please explain:
Is your puppy motivated by food/treats?
Sometimes/Depends on the food/treat
Is your puppy motivated by toys?
Sometimes/Depends on the toy
How often is your puppy exercised?
What kinds of exercise does your puppy get?
List any medications your puppy is currently on:
Does your puppy have allergies?
What brand/s of dog food do you feed your puppy?
How many times a day is your puppy fed?
Additional Information
Veterinarian (Vet's name & clinic name):
Has your puppy had previous training? If yes, please list where and name of trainer:
List any skills your puppy has (sit, down, stay, etc)
What are your goals/why are you interested in training?
If you are having problems beyond typical puppy behaviors, explain your issue/s:
How long have you been dealing with the issue/s?
What/how have you tried to fix the issues?
Please list any other pets in the home (name, breed, age):
Names of other adults living in the home:
Age/s of children who live in the home or visit often:
How much time does your puppy spend home alone?
Where does your puppy stay when home alone?
Where does your puppy sleep at night?
Is there anything else you would like me to know about you or your puppy?
What days/time frames would be best for you to schedule a consult?
I am interested in:
Puppy Starter Session (single session) $150
Puppy Survival Program (3 lessons) $350
Puppy Manners Program (5 lessons) $550
Puppy Prodigy Program (8 lessons) $850
I understand there is a $150 non-refundable deposit required to book a consultation (payable ONLY via Venmo, Cash App, or Zelle) & balance is due at consult:
I agree
I understand that training fees are NOT refundable:
I agree
Program sessions expire 3 months from date of first session. No exceptions.
I agree
Should be Empty: