Fees are payable during periods of absence from the Nursery, including sickness and any holidays taken when the Nursery is open. Attendance may not be re-allocated in lieu of sickness or any other reason that your child does not attend the Nursery. This rule is necessary so that the nursery can properly budget for its own outgoings, which continue whether or not all children are present. If the Nursery has to be closed due to any reason beyond the control of the Nursery, such as power failure or adverse weather conditions, Management will decide on the course of action.
If extra sessions are booked, they must be paid for by cash directly to the Manager on or before the date of the extra session. If you wish to cancel your child’s place, one month’s notice must be given to the Manager. Payments will be due in lieu of notice if your child is withdrawn without giving notice or you do not use your child’s place after notice has been given.
If payments fall into arrears your place may be withdrawn/or we may exercise our statutory right to claim interest and compensation for debt recovery costs under the late payment legislation [Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998]. Morning sessions end at 1pm and afternoon/full day sessions end at 6pm. Children must be collected at the end of their session. If your child is persistently picked up late, an additional fee will be charged.
All fees are subject to change at the Proprietor’s discretion. The offer of a place and its acceptance by parents gives rise to a legally binding contract on the terms of these Terms and Conditions and the Policies and Procedures of the Nursery. Any queries about them should be raised with the Manager.