Please take a few minutes to tell us your opinion about the time website and our project’s products:
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
1.The website in terms of appearance is very good
2.The website is easy to navigate
3.The website is satisfactory regarding its general content
4.The website is good in terms of structure and provision of information
5.The website provides adequate information about the TIME project
6.The uploaded products are user friendly.
7.The uploaded products provide complete information
8.The uploaded products are appropriate.
9.Have you found on our website the information you were looking for?
9.1 If not, what information was missing?
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
10.Overall how satisfied are you from the TIME project webpage?
11.You are
from an Institution
Intercultural mediator
12. Would you like to add a comment?
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