This form is for use in filing for registration as a New Jersey Internet site operator (“ISO”), as defined by N.J.S.A. 49:3-49(x), pursuant to N.J.S.A. 49:3-80. This form may also be used for successor registration to a Bureau registered ISO. Broker-Dealers registered with the Bureau providing ISO services do not need to separately register as an ISO.
If this is an initial application for registration, mail proof of submission of this form which you will receive via e-mail, together with a $1,800 filing fee made payable to the New Jersey Bureau of Securities to: 153 Halsey Street, 6th Floor, Newark, New Jersey, 07102. A fee is not assessed for successor registrants.
The application will not be deemed complete, and the review period will not begin, until all applicable requirements are met. An ISO's registration must become effective before posting any offerings on the ISO’s website.
An ISO must file with the Bureau an amendment on a Form ISO-A when any information previously submitted on the Form ISO or Form ISO-A changes for any reason. The ISO must file the Form ISO-A with the Bureau within 30 days of any change to the information or responses to any previously filed Form ISO or ISO-A.