Altiere Cane Corso Puppy Application
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Email Address
Married Y/N
Do you have children? If Yes please list ages
Type of Dwelling
Buying or Renting
Is your yard fenced? If yes please specify type of fencing
Who will be the primary caregiver?
Where will puppy be kept during the day?
Where will puppy be kept at night?
On average how many hours a day will puppy be left alone?
Have you ever owned a dog before? If yes please list breeds
What animals do you currently own?
Have you ever owned a Molosser Breed? What is your understanding of the breed type?
Have you ever returned a pet to a breeder? Have you ever taken a pet to the shelter or pound? Have you ever given a pet away? If yes, what were the circumstances?
What type of puppy are you looking for? Male/Female?
Are you looking for a particular color?
Do you want ears cropped?
What type of activity level are you looking for in a pup? Very high, high, moderate, average, below?
What type of activity would you be interested in? Conformation, performance sports (ie. obedience, agility)
Do you have a trainer? If yes, please provide their contact information
Vet Contact Information
Why do you want a Cane Corso?
Please list 3 references
Reference 1
Reference 2
Reference 3
Should be Empty: