Summary: A National Delegate serves as a voting member of the National Council of, representing GSNEO in National Council sessions. A National Delegate also serves as a voting member for the GSNEO General Assembly.
Term of appointment: National Delegates and Alternate Delegates shall be elected for a term of three (3) years or until their successors are elected and assume office, and only for as long as they are registered members of GSUSA.
Resignation/Removal: Resignation from the position of National Delegate should be submitted in writing to the Board Chair or his/her designee. National Delegates unable to attend the National Council Session and/or special meeting of the National Council may be removed.
Other Pertinent Information:
- Must be 14 years of age or older at time of election.
- Must register as a member of GSUSA through GSNEO, and accept the Girl Scout Promise and Law.
- Must adhere to all policies, standards, and procedures of GSUSA and GSNEO.
- Must submit to and pass a criminal background check (for delegates 18 years or older) facilitated by GSNEO.
Costs: The following expenses are the responsibility of GSNEO:
- National Council Session/National Convention Registration fee
- Hotel accommodations, double occupancy, for nights designated by GSNEO for the convention.
- Transportation to and from the National Council Session/National Convention when coordinated and scheduled by GSNEO.
- Per diem allowance to cover breakfast, lunch and dinner on each day of the National Council Session/Nation Convention, if a meal is not provided by GSUSA.
Costs: The following expenses are the responsibility of National Delegates:
- The full cost of any GSUSA special events not covered by the National Council Session/National Convention Registration Fee.
- The full cost of any pre and post convention tours.
- Methods of transportation outside those arranged for National Delegates by GSNEO.
- Souvenirs and personal collectibles.
- Official Girl Scout uniform, to be worn during all sessions of the Convention.