Terms and Conditions:
I agree that I am requesting a complimentary in-home consultation and that this is NOT a training session. I have asked for advice from a professional trainer and behavorist regarding a concerning behavior that my dog is exhibiting.
I also know that I will be required to fill out a RUFF Behavioral Form so that before my visit a professional trainer/behaviorist can understand some background about my dog so that we can utilize our time to the best of its ability.
I also understand that no rehabilitation or training will be done at this time by the professional trainer/behaviorist. This is time for me to ask questions and for the propfessional trainer/behaviorist to learn what is best for my dog and my situation. By the end of the training session, the professional trainer/behaviorist will have a management plan for me to consider and we will move forward at that point.
I understand the complimentary consultation will be no less than 30 minutes and will last no longer than 1 hour. If it goes beyond 1 hour, I will be charged accordingly. A 1 hour private training session cost is $75. I agree to pay for the amount of time over 1 hour and it will be prorated for the length of time the professional trainer/behaviorist is there.
I agree to be respsonsible for my dog at this consultation and if it has a bite history or record and the consultation is regarding this bite history I understand that the professional trainer/behaviorist may require me to purchase a basket muzzle ahead of time and have it ready to be used for the consultation.
I agree to these terms.