Alex's Pet Behavior Solutions
New Client Form Please allow as much time as needed to fill out this form with as much details as possible.
Your Name
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Vet's Name or Practice Name
Vet's Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Please list all the animals in the household, their age, in the order in which they were obtained
Name of the pets that you are contacting me about
Last vet appointment for pet you are contacting me about
Date Picker Icon
Intact Male
Neutered Male
Intact Female
Spayed Female
What and when do you feed your pets? (check all that apply)
Dry food only, left out 24/7
Dry food only, meals divided throughout day
Dry food left out and wet food once a day
Dry food left out and wet food twice a day
Dry food, meals divided, wet food once a week
Wet Food only, twice a day
Homemade wet food or Raw diet
Table scraps
Is your cat declawed?
Any other medical history that I should know about?
What assistance are you looking for? (Please check all that apply)
Inappropriate scratching (cats)
Inappropriate elimination and\or spraying (cats\dogs)
Aggression with another person or animal (cats\dogs)
Keeping me up at night (cats\dogs)
Extremely shy or timid (cats)
Boredom (all pets)
Moving or traveling and would like more information to help my pets with the process
General behavior\cue training (cats\dogs)
Trick training
Happy Vet Visits
For problems behaviors, how long has this been going on?
Please describe the three most recent andor most severe occurrences of this behavior:
What have you done so far to try and correct the problem behavior? (check all that apply)
Locking in separate room
Spankings or taps on the nose
If soiling, rubbing nose in mess
Squirt bottles
Verbal scolding
Clapping hands
Making a loud noise
How often do you play with your pets?
Every other day
When I can
Other than this current behavior issue, would you consider your pets' daily activities as normal?
Have there been any changes to your usual schedule or to your home? (check all that apply)
Yes, to my schedule
Yes, to another household members' schedule
Yes, moved to new apartment or home
Yes, renovated or added new furniture
Yes, new family member
Yes, new pet
Started volunteering with an organization that works with animals
Started fostering animals at my home
Does your cat go outside?
Indoor only
Indoor and outdoor
If your cat is indoors only, is there any visual or physical access to and from the outdoors?
Please answer the following questions if you cat has outdoor access:
Where to they enter and exit?
How long does each cat stay outside?
How do you get them back inside?
Tell me about your neighborhood:
For scratching issues, please answer the following questions:
Please describe where your cat is currently scratching?
What happens immediately before AND after your cat scratches?
How often do you trim your cats nails?
Weekly, front only
Weekly, back only
Weekly, both front and back
As needed (either by you, groomer, or vet staff)
Would you be interested in learning how to trim your cats nails at home?
For elimination\litter box issues, please answer the following questions:
Have you made an appointment with your veterinarian for this issue?
Please check all that apply:
Urine only outside of box
Feces only outside of box
Both urine and feces outside of box
Urine on walls and\or other vertical surfaces
Urine as puddles on floor
When did your cat start to eliminate outside the box?
Does your cat still use the litterbox?
Please list the specific locations, objects or materials outside the box on which your cat will eliminate on (such as "only on the couch in the living room" or "kitchen cabinet next to sink".)
How often does your cat eliminate outside the box? (check all that apply)
Multiple times per day
Once or twice per day
Once or twice per week
Multiple times per month
Every few months
Seems to be random
Unknown or uncertain
What products do you use to clean areas where your cat has soiled?
How many boxes are in your house?
Where are the litter boxes located?
How often are the boxes scooped?
Twice a day
Once a day
Once every other day
Once every three days
Once a week
How often do you dump the litter and clean the boxes?
Once a week
Once a month
Twice a year
Once a year
What chemicals or products are used to clean the boxes?
Do you use (check all that apply):
Covered boxes
Baking soda or other neutralizers
Motorized or self-scooping litter boxes
For aggression issues, please answer the following questions:
At what age or when did your pet become aggressive towards another person or pet?
Please describe what your pet does immediately before AND after an aggressive event?
Has there been any changes to your home when you first noticed the aggression?
What is the frequency of this conditionbehavior? (check all that apply)
Multiple times per day
Once or twice per day
Once or twice per week
Multiple times per month
Every few months
Seems to be random
If your pet has shown aggression to you, another person, andor another animal, did it require medical or veterinary attention?
What have you done to try to correct this behavior (please check all that apply):
Locking in separate room
Spankings or taps on the nose
Squirt bottles
Verbal scolding
Clapping hands
Making a loud noise
If this behavior isn't corrected, would you rehome or euthanize your pet?
Yes, I'll rehome
Yes, I'll euthanize
Is there any other information you'd like for me to know?
Enter the message as it's shown
Should be Empty: