Life Learning Center has a zero tolerance drug policy. We believe that active illegal drug use is a barrier to transformational change and sustainable employment.
In accordance with this policy, part of our get to know you process is to administer a drug test to all potential candidates. The following points are intended as a guideline for how the tests results will affect your eligibility to participate in our program. By signing this form you are acknowledging the terms of this policy.
- All candidates will be administered a drug test prior to a get to know you discussion with staff.
- Following the get to know you discussion, the results of your drug test will be shared with you.
- If the test is positive for any legally prescribed drugs the candidate will be given the opportunity to provide an active and valid prescription for the substance identified. The prescription must be provided prior to the start of the program they are enrolled in. If a prescription is not provided prior to the start of class the candidate will not be eligible to participate in Life Learning Center programs.
- If the test is positive for any illegal substance (i.e. Heroin, marijuana, etc.) The candidate will not be eligible to participate in Life Learning center programs.
- In the event that a candidate is determined to be ineligible because of positive drug test; they may reapply for consideration and submit another drug test after a minimum of thirty (30) days has passed since the prior test.
- Life Learning Center reserves the right to request additional drug tests while the candidate is enrolled in Life Learning Center programs to ensure candidate remains drug free.
My signature on this form grants the Life Learning Center permission to conduct a drug and alcohol screening at the Life Learning Centers’ discretion and expense and check with any or all local, state, or federal government, police, or penal authorities for past and pending arrest and conviction information.
With my signature below I acknowledge that I have read the above policy guidelines. (Please print copy and sign)