Woodland Trails Goat Buyer Questionnaire
Phone #
Do you currently own goats? If not, have you owned them in the past?
Describe your current and future palns for raising goats.
For your resevation are you looking for wethers, does, or bucks? Please include the number of goats you are reserving along with specific breedings, blue eyes, moonspots etc...)
Do you currently have a relationship with a vetrinarian who works with goats? If yes, please provide name and contact information. If No, I will need this information before I will release any goat from my farm.
What type of shelter will the goats have?
What type of fencing are you using?
How large is the area where the goats will be kept?
Do you plan on keeping the goats in the same enclosure with other livestock? If so, what type?
If your nieghboors have pet dogs, will they be securely fenced away from the goats?
Have located a local source of mixed grass hay?
Please include any questions you have here.
Should be Empty: