Thank you for taking the time to complete Hudson River Park’s River Access and Awareness Survey. Hudson River Park is a unique park created by New York State legislation. Approximately 400 of its overall 550 acres are within the Hudson River and are designated as a New York State Estuarine Sanctuary.
The Hudson River Park Trust (Trust) is currently updating our Estuarine Sanctuary Management Plan (ESMP). The ESMP serves as a management and planning tool for the Sanctuary and outlines policies and goals for public access and recreation, education, resource protection, and environmental research.
The ESMP update will report on the progress the Trust has made in achieving these management goals and will include an action plan for the future. Through this survey, we aim to collect community feedback on how you use, enjoy and learn from the Hudson River to inform both the progress update and the future action plan.
The survey should take you about 10 minutes to complete. We appreciate your taking the time to complete the survey and welcome all thoughts and comments.
While all responses will be compiled and reported anonymously, we encourage you to provide your contact information so we can spotlight specific responses in the report, or follow up with you if needed. However, you do not need to provide your contact information to complete the survey.
Please complete by March 6, 2017.