Massage Policies:
• To ensure the optimal treatment experience, enough space for setting up the table and moving around the table, with a minimum space of 10 feet x 8 feet is required.
• Additionally, it's required that the indoor temperature is 73°F or below, along with indoor air being smoke-free from cigarettes, marijuana, incense, or any type of smoke. Your cooperation in ensuring a comfortable and healthy environment is greatly appreciated.
• Massage is strictly ethical and professional. Full draping is a must and not an option. Any verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, including flirting, will constitute sexual harassment and will not be tolerated.
Client Agreement:
I understand that close contact with people increases the risk of infection from COVID-19. By signing this form, I acknowledge that I'm aware of the risks involved and give consent to receive a massage from this practitioner.
I acknowledge that my massage therapist does not diagnose or prescribe medical treatment.
I understand that massage therapy is not a substitute for medical examination and I may need to see a physician for medical concerns.
I choose to receive massage and lymphatic drainage as therapy.
I am aware that my insurance does not cover these services and I am responsible for payment.
I will communicate any pain or discomfort during the session to my therapist.
I have provided accurate medical information and will update my therapist on any changes.
I consent to receive therapy and understand the risks of not doing so.
I release my therapist from liability for any health or well-being issues resulting from my failure to follow these guidelines.
I understand that inappropriate behavior may result in the termination of the session and full payment will be required.
I have read or have read to me the above consent.
By my electronic signature below, I agree to the massage policy and client agreement above.