Schedule C Validation Form
Date Picker Icon
Your Name (Tax Payer/Client)
First Name
Last Name
Spouse's Name (Tax Payer/Client)
First Name
Last Name
Your email where a copy of this form will be sent to you
Your Tax Preparer's Name
First Name
Last Name
Your Tax Preparer's Email is Required For Them to Receive a Copy of This Form
Please Click on the Acknowledgments & Sign If You Agree
I acknowledge that the amounts and figures I provided my tax preparer for my tax return is true and accurate in reference to my summary of income and expenses for my business.
I have verified the amounts and figures that have been entered into my tax return in reference to my summary of income and expenses for my business.
Other: Please Specify
Client Signature Acknowledgement (sign with your mouse)
Spouse's Signature Acknowledgement (if applicable)
Client Signature Acknowledgement (sign with your mouse)
Spouse's Signature Acknowledgement (if applicable)
Last 4 digits of your social security number
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