I agree to be a food vendor at the Anchor of Hope Foundation’s 15th Annual Autism Awareness Festival on Saturday, April 26, 2025. As a food vendor, I assume full responsibility for all my equipment and products, and hold harmless the organizers of the fair. I take full responsibility for obtaining insurance coverage for any damage, theft, and/or loss that might occur at the fair and for completing the required Temporary Nonprofit Food Service Application and submitting it to Anchor of Hope Foundation. I understand that I will be setting up outside and will bring a tent or other covering to protect my equipment and products. Furthermore, I authorize Anchor of Hope Foundation, Inc. organizers to use any video and/or photography of my company/organization for public relations purposes. I also understand that Anchor of Hope Foundation reserves the right to refuse any exhibitors whose products or services conflict with its mission and principles.
In consideration of my participation at the Anchor of Hope/Dayspring Presbyterian Church event, I am aware of the existence of the risk on my physical appearance to the venue and my participation in this activity of the may cause injury or illness such as, but not limited to Influenza, MRSA, or COVID-19 that may lead to paralysis or death.
I have carefully read and agree to abide by the above statements: