First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
How much sun does your garden get in a day? You may check more than one if you have multiple sites in your yard.
Full Sun, 8 hours or more of sun
Half Day, at least 4 hours or more of sun
Mostly shade
How much space do you have for you native plants?
Can you water your first-year seedlings at least twice a week during dry spells?
Do you have deer or rabbits in your yard? If so, how do you plan to protect your plants?
Some plants require more weeding than others. How much time can you devote to weeding?
Do you plan to plant your plants in your home garden? If not, please explain where you'd like to plant them?
Are you interested in helping to organize and expand the program? If yes, how?
Where did you learn about the NSG program?
Should be Empty: