Below are details regarding purchasing your Personal Training Visits:
- You may purchase your training visits now or after you've been contacted by a trainer.
- When you purchase a training session or a block of training sessions, you will be issued a Personal Training Pass visit card loaded with the number of sessions you purchased
- If you already have a visit card of any kind to Falling Springs Center, then these training sessions will be added to your exisiting card.
- If you do not already have a visit card to Falling Springs, you will need to make arranments with the office regarding how you would like to receive your card (i.e, mail, pick-up in office, etc).
- When you visit Falling Springs Center, you will scan your card at the check-in desk and tell the attendant that you would like to use a Personal Training visit and they will scan you in accordingly.
If you would like to purchase your training sessions today, please vist our online registration portal, WebTrac at, log in with your username & password (see below for details on how to log-in to WebTrac) and you add visits to an existing pass through the Memberships link.
If you would like to pay in person or with a credit card over the phone, please call or come by the Parks & Recreation offices M-Th from 9 AM to 6 PM or Fridays from 9 AM to 5 PM.
If you have any questions regarding this form or purchasing visit, please contact the main office at 859.873.5948 or email
1. Click Log‐in and enter your log‐in credentials. If you have had any transactions with Parks & Recreation in the past 7 years, you should already have an account in our system. If this is the case AND it is your first‐time logging into WebTracYour User Name & Password is your Household ID number for both fields.
a. You can find your Household ID on any receipt from a previous transaction with Parks & Recreation.
b. If you do not know your Household ID number or have an old receipt, please contact the office at 859.873.5948 and we can give you this information.
c. If you are new to Parks & Recreation or have not had any transactions within the past 7 years please click “If you’re a brand‐new patron with us, please click here to register for a new account,” and set up an account with your household information.
d. If you try to set up an account and you get a "Potential Duplicate Household," do not continue and call the Parks & Recreation Department at 859.873.5948.
2. Once you are logged in for the first time, please click on “MY ACCOUNT” and then click on “ACCOUNT SETTINGS” under the “UPDATE” column to update your username and password.
a. Enter your new username where it says “New Log‐in” and then re‐enter it on the line that reads “Re‐Type Login”
b. Please set your new Password where indicated.
c. If you would like to change your Primary email address, you can do so in the bottom section where it says, “Change your Email”.
d. Click submit to save changes.
3. Next, please click on My Account again and then click on Household & Member.
a. Please verify and make any changes to your address, phone numbers and other items as necessary and click save.
4. Click "HOME" on the navigation bar
5. Click "SEARCH" on the navigation bar and then click "MEMBERSHIP SELECTION."
6. Click the green plus sign next to the pass you want.
7. Click "Add to Card" in the bottom left hand corner.
8. Follow the prompts from there.