By reading and checking the box below, I acknowledge that I have read the Union Gospel Mission (UGM) of Salem's statements of mission and faith and am willing and able to assist in carrying out the ministry of UGM while donating my time.
As a volunteer at UGM, I understand that I may work with donor information, staff information, and resident or guest information that may be confidential in nature. I will not discuss this information with anyone who is not directly involved in these areas. I understand that failure to maintain confidentiality may result in immediate release from my volunteer commitment at UGM. The obligation to comply with this policy continues after my volunteer commitment with UGM ends. I understand no pictures are to be taken of clientele without a signed release from the Mission and the client involved.
I hereby confirm and warrant that I have not been convicted of or charged with a violent crime, child abuse or neglect, child pornography, child abduction, kidnapping, rape or any sexual offense, nor have been ordered by a court to receive psychiatric or psychological treatment in connection therewith.
I, the undersigned, agree to appear in print, online or video to be produced by UGM or any approved agency that the UGM works with, for the purpose of describing or promoting my experience with, and the activities of UGM. I give UGM and its approved agencies my unrestricted permission to reproduce and distribute all photographs, video recordings, sound recordings, and/or interviews taken of me, as well as any artwork (all media) or written material produced by me while associated with Union Gospel Mission of Salem. I understand that there will be no compensation or damages for the use of these interviews, photographs, recordings of video and sound, and personal artwork and/or written and online material.
I hereby agree that UGM is not responsible for any of my personal items that may be lost or damaged during the volunteer period. As a non-profit agency, UGM does not provide liability insurance for volunteers. I realize that UGM will not be held liable for any accident or injury that may occur while I am a volunteer.
I have read the information and I certify that the foregoing personal information is true and correct. I authorize UGM to inquire with my employers or references as needed, and I agree that UGM may, at its discretion, terminate my volunteer assignment at any time for any reason. As a volunteer I am not protected by any worker’s compensation insurance, nor do I have any other benefits or rights normally associated with employment. I authorize UGM to perform a background screening for criminal history as deemed necessary.