A Brain Sprints Neurodevelopmental Screening helps you understand the root causes of learning challenges for ages 5+. A Screening focuses on a few key areas of brain development. It helps identify blocks related to academics and behavior in these areas:
1. Auditory short-term memory: related to the use of phonics to read, ability to follow directions, attention, social maturity, reading comprehension, and math word problems.
2. Visual and auditory long-term memory: where is information stored so there is easy access to what was taught.
3. Eye teaming: how are the eyes tracking and working together to give good visual information to the brain for reading and writing.
4. Lower-level brain development: the foundation of all learning, affecting organized behavior and thinking, and much more.
Identifying needs in these key areas make a screening a valuable starting point in becoming equipped to address inefficiencies so learning will be easier.