All fees will be collected by Vanguard's Ceremony Coordinator BEFORE the event. (unless arrangements have been made otherwise) Payments can be made by cash, check -made payable to Vanguard Church, or credit card.
Sanctuary Rental - Vanguard Member: $200
Sanctuary Rental - Non-Member: $400
Includes: Sound, Cleaning, Opening & Closing the Building, A Church appointed Cerremony Coordinator & Rehearsal (wedding)
Wake: $200
Includes: 3 hours pre-service (room set up, private viewing & public viewing.)
Pastor's Honorarium: $150 +
All fees will be collected by Vanguard's Ceremony Coordinator BEFORE the event. (unless arrangements have been made otherwise) Payments can be made by cash, check -made payable to Vanguard Church, or credit card.
If one of our pastors is performing your ceremony, please also include an honorarium of $150 or more to bless them. You can place the honorarium in a separate envelope marked "pastor" and give it to your Ceremony Coordinator. They will make sure the pastor receives it.