The pool is for the exclusive use of Windward Pointe residents and their guests. The homeowner(s) who rent their units relinquish their pool rights to the renter and are requested not to use the pool.
Residents will be responsible for all actions and conducts of their guests, and should accompany guests to the pool.
Failure to comply with any of the foregoing rules and regulations may result in the violator being barred from the use of the pool and pool area.
Windward Pointe Pool Rules
- POOL HOURS are from 9:00 am - Dusk. Adults (18 years old or older) can swim from 6:00 AM - 9:00 AM for lap swimming only.
- The pool is for the exclusive use of Windward Pointe Homeowners and their guests.
- Lifeguards will NOT be on duty. SWIM AT YOUR OWN RISK.
- An adult Windward Pointe resident must accompany their guests at all times and are responsible for the conduct of their guests. The Windward Pointe HOA Board reserves the right to limit the number of non-resident guests.
- A resident parent or guardian (over the age of 18) must accompany children under the age of 14.
- Children over 14 years old may use the pool without an accompanying adult, although it is not recommended that anyone use the pool alone.
- Children 16 years old or older may have a single guest, who must also be over the age of 16 without an accompanying adult resident. Any additional guests will require the presence of an adult resident.
- All children not toilet trained are required to wear tight fitting plastic pants over diapers or swim diapers. Parents who do not obey this rule and cause a pool closure will be responsible for the cost of cleanup.
- Parents are responsible for any damage caused by their children or guests of the family.
- Tenants of rental properties in Windward Pointe may use the facility if their landlord assigns this right as part of their lease agreement.
- NO GLASS is allowed in the pool area. State and local laws dictate that no glass be brought into the pool area.
- Broken glass in the pool or on the deck would result in draining, cleaning and refilling the pool which would be costly and shut down the pool for several weeks. The person or persons responsible for bringing the glass inside will be responsible for all cost to clean the pool.
- Running, improper conduct or offensive or dangerous behavior is not permitted.
- NO WATER BALLOONS are allowed at or near the pool area. This can result in clogging toilets, drainage and filtration systems.
- NO DIVING is allowed.
- Everyone must clear deck and pool during any storm or episode of lighting.
- All trash must be placed in proper receptacles. Garbage and recycling bins have been placed throughout the pool area.
- Smoking is NOT permitted in the pool area. All cigarettes must be properly deposited in receptacles. A designated smoking area has been setup outside the pool area, to the left of the main gate.
- No bicycles, rollerblades, scooters, skateboards are allowed in the fenced pool area.
- Please use the bike rack to secure your bike outside the pool area.
Swimsuits are required for everyone. Cut offs are not permitted since loose strings can damage the filter system.
- The front gate and all other gates shall not be permitted to be propped open. They shall remain closed and locked as required by the Wake County Health Department.
- We encourage a friendly environment; therefore, profanity, vulgar remarks or disrespectful comments may result in expulsion from the facility, and in some cases, loss of pool privileges.
- Animals are not allowed inside the fenced pool area.
- Pool keys may NOT be provided to non-residents for any reason.
- Any resident or guest of a resident, that allows a person(s) in to the pool area who does not have a key card, may lose their pool privileges. If any damage is incurred due to this infraction, the homeowner will be responsible and billed accordingly.
- Incidental or temporary exceptions must be approved. A replacement pool key can be provided for $15.00. Please contact Grandchester Meadows with any questions.
- Climbing the fence around the pool is prohibited.
- If you are planning a special event (i.e. birthday party, etc), please notify Grandchester Meadows. We do ask you to try to schedule your event so that it does not occur during the heaviest pool usage time of the day. Email:
- All homeowners have the responsibility of complying with, and in some cases, enforcing these rules to help keep your pool safe.
- Residents with dues in arrears may have their pool privileges suspended until payment has been received and processed.
- Residents must return pool furniture to its original location if it was moved and put down/close the umbrellas after use.
Violation of any pool rule could result in temporary or permanent loss of pool access privileges, as well as fines and charges to repair any damages.
This amenity is paid for by each homeowner through their association dues. Please help us keep your investment safe and in good repair.
We have wireless internet at the pool!!
Passphrase: I_love_WP_pool
** Any questions, please contact Grandchester Meadows Management **
Phone: (919) 757-1718; Email: