The Worship Associates Program
The Worship Associates Program is designed to do two things: (1) Imagine, create, produce and present worship; and (2) teach leadership. All Worship Associates will learn the elements and theory of worship as well as cultivate the insights and skills of leadership that will benefit them in a wide array of areas beyond the worship program - even beyond the church. Worship Associates are selected with an aim at bringing together a diversity of identities, experiences, perspectives and styles. All Worship Associates will be expected to appreciate and honor experiences and approaches beyond their own.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
1. Why do you want to be a Worship Associate? (200 words max)
2. Briefly describe your spiritual journey and how it might be reflected in your work with the Worship Associates Program (400 words max)
3. In your view, what are the qualities of agood worship service? (400 words max)
4. What specific topics / themes would you be interested in exploring through worship services? (400 words max)
5. What is your theological perspective? (400 words max)
6. What do you most want to learn from this experience? (400 words max)
7. What unique qualities, perspectives ortalents would you bring to the Worship Associates Committee? (400 words max)
8. What is your comfort level with speaking in public? Please describe your previous experience with public speaking. (400 words max)
9. Describe how you work on a team; what you look for and what you bring. (400 words max)
10. Feel free to add anything else you think is important to include in your application. (400 words max)
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