****Please read all of the procedure and then complete the form at the end****
All 2024 WAG Music will be released from the 2024 WAG Music Register on 30th November 2024.
The 2025 WAG Music Register will open on 1st December 2024 for registrations. Any gymnast / club wishing to use the same piece of music in 2025 is required to re-register the same piece. Please complete the online form here to register and upload floor routine music for 2025.
Please note, the music file MUST be named in the following format (and uploaded as a .mp3);
Gymnast First Name Last Name - Competition Number - Level - Club Name -Name of music track Name of artist or Name of composer.mp3
Duplicate or similar music will be permitted to be used by multiple gymnasts in the same level and/or across multiple levels, however the choreography must be significantly different. For example:-
Mary Smith - 1234 – Level 7 - ABC Gymnastics Academy - Happy Birthday - Mildred & Patty.mp3
Jane Smith - 5678 – Level 7 - DEF Gymnastics Academy - Happy Birthday - Mildred & Patty.mp3
Mary Jones - 4321 - Level 8 - GHI Gymnastics Academy - Happy Birthday - Mildred & Patty.mp3
Jane Jones - 8765 - Level 9 - JKL Gymnastics Academy - Happy Birthday - Mildred & Patty.mp3
If a gymnast transfers to a new club and wishes to use their same piece of music and / or choreography, then the gymnast / new club is required to;
- contact the WAG SMC requesting that the previous club release the music and / or choreography for the gymnasts / new club to use unconditionally
- the WAG SMC will contact the relevant club, make the request on their behalf and inform the gymnasts / new club of any outcomes
- the WAG SMC will remain impartial, and outcomes in relation to these matters are final
The deadline of submitting music for use at competitions has not changed and all music must be submitted via the online form within one week of competition entry closing date. USB’s and CD’s will no longer be accepted for registration and submission however it is highly recommended that all clubs and coaches have a backup of their gymnasts’ music on USB or other device at competitions.
Before uploading any music for registration, please rename the music track in the required format: -
i.e. Mary Smith - 1234 – Level 7 - ABC Gymnastics Academy - Happy Birthday - Mildred & Patty.mp3
Incorrectly named files or format will be returned to the registrant for resubmission and not accepted as registered until resubmitted in the correct format.
Please ensure you remember the time limits for each level:
Level 7 -Max 1:15 (75 Seconds)
Level 8 -Max 1:15 (75 Seconds)
Level 9 -Max 1:30 (90 Seconds)
Level 10 - Max 1:30 (90 Seconds
Future International – Max 1:30 (90 Seconds)
Developing International – Max 1:30 (90 Seconds)
Senior International – Max 1:30 (90 Seconds)
All clubs are required to download, complete, save and upload their Work Order & Floor Music Excel spreadsheet (See GSA Website for template) and submit them via JotForm (https://form.jotform.com/210891529977067) 72 hours prior to the first day of the event.
There are instructions on how to complete the Work Order & Floor Music spreadsheet on the Instructions Tab of the spreadsheet.
The WAG SMC will Pre-Print the uploaded Work Orders & Floor Music for your club ready for Judges Panels and Music Operators.
If club coaches would like a copy of their Work Orders & Floor Music, please print them off prior to the event.
WAG SMC are not responsible for any incorrectly registered, incorrectly named or uploaded music or incorrect or incomplete Work Order & Floor Music spreadsheets. The penalty for no music will be applied if the music is not correctly submitted within the required time frame. The penalty is 1.00pt neutral deduction taken from the gymnast floor score, as per the current WAG ALP Manual.
If you have any questions, please email Jackie James (jackiejames@senet.com.au) - WAG SMC Event Co-ordinator and/or Stewart Gresswell (stewart@itsit.com.au) WAG SMC Chairperson