Updated Artist Assets for Class Acts
Class Acts wants the information we have on you or your group to be 100% current and up-to-date. Please help us do this by providing your most recent information and assets in the form below. Thanks in advance and don't hesitate to reach out with any questions.
Artist or group name.
e.g. XYZ Band
Tag line band description
e.g. "Country Fried Soul", "Power pop & Top 40", "Smooth Jazz", .... Try to keep 5 words or less.
Product Description
Tell us about your project. Focus on what the audience will experience and your general credentials. Try to keep this under 200 words
Short Bio
Limit this to 140 characters. Answer: What do people get when hey see or hire you?
Main Promotional Photo (Upload)
Browse Files
This image will be used as your primary photo online. This should be landscape, at least 1MP (larger is okay).
Song list
Browse Files
If a song list is not available, feel free to send a set list or a list of artists you cover. Please send as PDF, Excel or Word
Website URL
If you use a third-party service like, Facebook, Reverbnation, Bandcamp, etc instead, include that URL here
Facebook URL
Instagram URL
Twitter URL
Any other social or online links we should know about to assist in marketing you?
ReverbNation, TikTok, Bandcamp, etc...
Artist Photo #2 (optional)
Browse Files
This photo will be made available for download, but will not be displayed.
Artist Photo #3 (optional)
Browse Files
This photo will be made available for download, but will not be displayed.
Your Logo
Browse Files
This photo will be made available for download, but will not be displayed.
Primary Promotion Video URL
Please provide a link to your primary promotional video or if not available the Youtube video you think best represents you.
Additional video link #2 (optional)
Please provide a link to another video you would like displayed.
YouTube Channel OR Additional video link #3 (optional)
Please provide a link to another video you would like displayed.
Year band was formed
How many band members are in band?
Band configuration
What instruments are used and who plays each instrument.
Stage Plot & Input List
Browse Files
If needed here is a decent guide. http://blog.sonicbids.com/how-to-create-a-stage-plot-and-input-list-that-sound-techs-will-love
Do you own a PA?
Are you able to provide sound?
Do you own lighting?...Are you able to provide lighting?
Number of live performances last year
Band performance goal for next year
Total number of shows
Any additional information
List anything else here. i.e. Press coverage, album releases, other links, etc...
Leader contact name
Leader contact e-mail
Leader contact phone number
Should be Empty: