First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Nature of Enquiry
Seeking Cattle for Purchase
Seeking Lease Bull
Highland Beef or other Nose-to-Tail Purchase
Highland Cattle Breed Info or Husbandry Question
Calendar or other Merchandise Purchase Enquiry
Other Enquiry
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
Suburb / Town
Size of Your Property in Acres
Your Preferred Method of Contact
Don't Mind - Email or Phone
Are you an AHCS Member / Registered Breeder?
YES - Full / Life Member
YES - Heritage Member
YES - Commercial Member
YES - Junior Member
NOT YET - planning on joining up, or interested to find out more about this.
NO - Not a current member of the AHCS
What is your Fold name and/or AHCS Member number (if you know it)?
What is your area of interest or purpose for purchase? (select all that apply)
Seeking breeding animals
Seeking companion animals, not particularly interested in breeding
Unsure whether to consider breeding or companion animals only, seeking advice on whether our property and set-up would be suitable for a breeding program
Tourist or Accommodation attraction
Raising beef animals
Other purpose or area of interest
Provide a summary of your other area of interest or purpose for purchase:
Total Number of Females you would like the bull to serve:
Number of Cows within this total (i.e. have calved before)
Number of Heifers within this total (i.e. have NOT fallen pregnant or calved before)
Are you a Registered Breeder with the AHCS and do you plan to register the calves?
Not currently, but interested to find out more about this
What breed are your cattle to be served?
All are AHCS-registered Highlands
All are Highland but not registered or of unknown breeding
Mix of AHCS-registered and unregistered Highlands
Mix of Highlands and other breed(s)
All are Non-Highland
Please specify breed(s) of non-Highland females you wish the bull to serve:
Number of Highland females to be served:
Number of cattle of non-Highland breed(s) to be served:
What are your plans for the calves? (select all that apply)
Retain as breeding stock for own breeding program
Sell to other breeders
Retain as companion animals
Sell as companion animals
Raise for beef
Sell for beef
Not sure just yet, will wait and see how the calves turn out
Other plans for some or all of calves
What are the Other plans you have for some or all of your calves, please provide details:
Do you already own Highland cattle?
How many Highlands do you own and what type? (e.g. bulls, steers, heifers or cows; registered or unregistered; any other info that might be relevant)
Do you run any other livestock on your property?
Not yet, but plan to
Give type and quantity of other livestock you run, or are planning to run, on your property:
Do you have a biosecurity plan implemented for your property?
What is your property's J-BAS Score?
unknown or 0
Your message:
Please provide a bit more information about yourself that will help us respond to your enquiry
Upload a File to accompany your message if you would like
Browse Files
How did you find us?
Saw the signage on your trailer
Google internet search
Bing internet search
Other internet search engine
Gumtree Ad
AHCS Website Breeder Search
Huon Small Farms Expo
Royal Hobart Show
Other Show or Event
Referred by another breeder
Please indicate search engine
Please indicate Show or Event you found us at
Please let us know who referred you so we can pass on our thanks to them :)
Please let us know how you heard about us and found our website
Prove you're human - type in the message below exactly as it's shown:
Should be Empty: