Getting to Love Session
Hi! I am so excited for you to take this powerful step on your conscious love journey! Please complete the following so I can get to know you better!
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
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Phone Number
The session is for those who value personal development, don't want to waste time with the wrong ones anymore, and have the time, money, and resources to take the next steps right now on how to how to attract, create, and develop a happy, healthy relationship.
Getting the healing, tools, and strategies to create what matters the most, a love relationship, require an investment of time and money, which of these describes you the most?
Yes, if it's a fit, I have the resources (time/money) available to invest in one-on-one personalized expert support or group coaching/classes to get past the blocks, stop wasting time, and open up to receive my relationship!
No, I don't have the resources and I won't have them any time soon so I won't book a session right now.
What do you imagine having the relationship of your dreams will bring you?
What have you tried so far (what worked/what didn't work?) & what is your biggest challenge finding love right now?
How confident are you dating? On a scale of 1-5 (5 is the most confident!)
If you were to guess, what do you suspect is keeping you from having what you want in love?
What worked or what didn't work?
What specifically inspired you to reach out to Macy?
On a scale of 1-10 (1- not at all, 10 -YES please!) - How much would you like to learn what you can do to create your love relationship in the next 3 months?
If you are not a 10, what is the fear, challenge, emotional component that is between your number and being a 10? (Leave blank if you are a 10!)
What would you like to change that would help you finding the one?
Please verify that you are human
Schedule my Getting to LOVE Session
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