Plan to Protect Refresher Training Quiz
After watching the Plan to Protect Refresher Training video, please answer the following questions to the best of your ability.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Which program do you volunteer with, or who is your ministry leader.
In order to qualify for abuse prevention coverage, insurance companies require organizations to have specific standards in place to demonstrate that they have an effective abuse prevention plan. They include: (check all that apply)
Statement of Policy
Definition of Abuse
Screening procedures
Security Systems
Child and youth protection procedures
Premise modifications
First Aid Training
Orientation and Refresher Training
Abuse Response Protocol
An organization can be held accountable for the actions of their employees, volunteers or contract workers.
Before someone can be placed in a position of trust, it is recommended that one of the following steps take place:
Volunteer for six months
Reference checks
Attending teacher's college
Graduate from the program
Meet with parents
A Criminal Record Check does not have to be completed by:
Occasional visitors
Hall Monitors
Physical abuse is the easiest type of abuse to identify because it always leaves a mark on the child.
Emotional abuse can be a failure by the parent or caregiver to provide their children with love, emotional support and guidance. Emotional abuse also includes: (check all that apply)
Constant criticizing
Laughing at their jokes
Ignoring or isolating
Not spoiling
As soon as someone becomes aware that a child has been abused, they are required by law to:
Tell their supervisor or leader who will then make the formal report to the proper authorities and inform the child's parents.
Immediately report the abuse to the proper authorities.
Ask the child further questions to determine whether or not abuse has taken place before reporting it.
Contact their insurance company.
The Statute of Limitations for child abuse in Canada varies by Province/Territory
A husband and wife team can work together in a classroom if:
A husband and wife team CAN'T work together in a classroom.
If there is an unscreened parent present.
If there are less than 6 children in the classroom.
If the door is open with a hall monitor.
Children need to be signed-in and signed-out at what age?
Under the age of 2
Under the age of 4
Under the age of 6
Under the age of 12
Attendance should be taken in classrooms:
When parents are not in the building.
If children have not been registered for the program.
During each children's program, up to the age of 12
During each program in session.
It is recommended that pre-school children be accompanied to the washroom:
With another child.
With 2 teachers.
They can go to the washroom on their own.
By a hall monitor.
Personnel may only give Tylenol to a child who is feeling ill.
Appropriate touch of an elementary school age child includes:
Having the child sit on your lap if they are upset.
Gently hold the child's shoulder or hand to keep his or her attention while you redirect the child's behaviour.
Holding the child's face to keep their attention when they need disciplining.
Welcoming a returning child back to the program with a big hug.
When taking youth on an off-site trip, the ratio of personnel to youth should be adjusted to:
1 to 10
1 to 8
1 to 5
1 to 3
As long as a youth leader picks up a youth in public view at their High School, he can drive them to a public location for mentoring.
If personnel are screened, the gender of the personnel supervising a mixed gender off-site retreat does not matter.
To demonstrate due diligence, organizations are required to maintain files on their staff and volunteers for a maximum of seven (7) years.
Communication with children beyond the parameters of programming is allowed under the following conditions: (Check all that apply)
Within the parameters established by the organization as written in my job description and/or policy.
With parental written permission.
Including someone else on the e-mail, text message or phone call.
Through instant messaging.
In view of others. ie: wall-to-wall
Insurance companies require that volunteers and staff be trained:
Every year.
Every two years.
Every three years.
Every five years.
Use your mouse or finger to sign on the line.
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