Are you interested adopting a Salisbury Transit bus shelter to help keep Salisbury a beautiful and clean place to live, work and visit?
Salisbury Transit’s Adopt-a-Shelter program relies upon community partnerships to help maintain bus shelter throughout the City. Individuals or groups can apply to adopt an STS bus shelter for a commitment of one year. The adopter pledges to keep their shelters clean, performing the tasks listed below.
Salisbury Transit will publicly recognize bus stop adopters for their contribution to the community with a sign at the bus stop and recognition on STS’s web site.
The Adopt-a-Shelter program is currently open to civic associations, individuals and leasing agencies who own apartment complexes in The City of Salisbury.
For questions or more information please call (704) 638-5252.
What is involved in adopting a shelter?
1) Adopt one (or more) STS bus shelter(s) for one year. Only bus shelters that solely serve STS can be adopted.
2) Regularly maintain (at least once a month) the adopted bus shelter by being responsible for trash pick-up. Salisbury Transit will provide a trash receptacle for the bus shelter. The participant is expected to empty the trash and replace the trash bag with a new one at least once a month. Participant is also expected to pick-up litter around and/or near the bus shelter. Participant will be provided their trash bags for picking-up the trash.
3) Report vandalism, disturbances, safety issues, and items left at the bus shelter to Salisbury Transit. Suspicious packages, drug paraphernalia, and illegal looking items should not be handled - report suspicious items immediately to law enforcement at (704) 638-5333.
4) Participants must be 18 years or older, unless they are part of a group. If a group of participants wants to adopt-a-shelter the group leader must be at least 18 years of age.
Adopt-a-Shelter Program
Salisbury Transit, City of Salisbury
P.O. Box 479
Salisbury NC 28145-0479