- To recognize educators’ efforts to incorporate agriculture and natural resources into the school curriculum.
- To strengthen relationships between educators and the county Farm Bureau.
Nomination Criteria
1. County Farm Bureaus may nominate one K-12 or agriscience educator in their county for the Educator of the Year Award. Consider nominating a teacher who has done an outstanding job:
- Integrating basic agricultural and natural resource concepts into the curriculum
- Developing critical thinking skills through analysis of agricultural and natural resource issues and information
- Making projects/lessons readily available and/or adaptable for other educators
- Using creative teaching techniques or methods
2. The size of an educator’s class or school is not a factor. An educator from a small school has an equal chance to win as one from a large school.
3. All current and past county winners are eligible. One of the purposes of this program is to recognize educators who show consistent teaching excellence. Continue to nominate educators for the local recognition. State winners are not eligible to win again. We encourage past state applicants that did not win to resubmit their application the following year.
4. This award is specifically for public or private educators – not for Farm Bureau or Extension educators. Nominations for people other than professional educators will not be considered. State Promotion and Education Committee members and their spouses are not eligible for this award.
5. This award is for the purpose of recognizing individual effort, so your nomination should be a particular person, (i.e. John Jones of the Wayside Public School). If you feel strongly that administration support for the educator’s efforts has been an important factor, we will provide a certificate for the school’s principal and/or superintendent to show your appreciation for their support.
6. Supporting materials, such as news clippings or photos are limited to four 8.5” X 11” pages or eight .jpeg photo files (in addition to a lesson plan). A complete copy of one of the educator’s lesson plans must also be attached. Please submit pages in a Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format. Please complete the form as accurately as possible. The teacher support section is very important.
Information for Completion
- Nominee contact information
- Nominator contact information
- Responses to the following questions:
- Why is the nominee qualified for this award?
- How did the nominee integrate agricultural and natural resources topics into their curriculum?
- What creative or innovative educational techniques were used to teach these agricultural and natural resources topics?
- How did the nominee use agricultural and natural resources topics to help students develop critical thinking skills?
- Has has the nominee made the agricultural projects/lessons available/adaptable for other educators?
- In what ways has the nominee interacted with the county Farm Bureau?
- An original lesson plan or activity used by the nominee
- Up to four pages of supporting materials such as news clippings and photographs
- Nominator signature