Blondies Monthly Financial Analysis
First Name
Last Name
Period Start Date::
Period End Date::
F.O.H. Revenue Information
What was your TOTAL INCOME for the reporting period?
What were your TOTAL FOOD SALES for the reporting period?
What were your TOTAL BEVERAGE SALES for the reporting period?
Operating Costs / Expenses Information
What were your total FOOD PURCHASES (Food + Freight + Kitchen Supplies) for the reporting period?
What were your total BEVERAGE PURCHASES (Bottle beer + Draught beer + Wine + Liquor, Non-alcoholic + Delivery charge + Deposits) for the reporting period?
What was your total LABOR EXPENSE (Salaries & Wages + Benefits + Payroll Taxes) for the reporting period?
What was your total OCCUPANCY EXPENSE (Rent + Property Tax + Repairs + Waste ) for the reporting period?
What was your total OPERATIONAL EXPENSE (Total Of All Expenses - Occupancy Expenses) for the reporting period?
Prime Cost
Food Cost + Beverage + Labor Cost / Total Income
Your PRIME COST PERCENTAGE for the reporting period is (Ideal Target Range is 55 to 65%):
Food Cost
Food Purchases / Food Sales
Your FOOD COST PERCENTAGE for the reporting period is (Ideal Target Range is 25 - 35%):
Beverage Cost
Beverage Purchases / Beverage Sales
Your BEVERAGE COST PERCENTAGE for the reporting period is (Ideal Target Range is 25 to 35%):
Labor Cost
Labor Expense / Total Income
Your LABOR COST PERCENTAGE for the reporting period is (Ideal Target Range is 25 to 35%):
Occupancy Cost
Occupancy Expense / Total Income
Your OCCUPANCY COST PERCENTAGE for the reporting period is (Ideal Target Range is 5 to 10%):
Operational Cost
Operational Expenses / Total Income
Your OPERATIONAL COST PERCENTAGE for the reporting period is (Ideal Target Range is 8 - 17%):
Profit / Loss Percentage
Your PROFIT / LOSS PERCENTAGE for the reporting period is:
Private Dance Revenue Information
Private Dance Revenue:
Private Dance Expense:
Private Dance Profit:
Net Profit Information
Net Profit / Loss:
Should be Empty: