Our basic rules come from our values. It is our mission to promote- Safety, Respect and Responsibility.
The following rules exist to achieve this mission.
While I am a client at the Evergreen Shelter I agree:
To refrain from any violent behavior.
To refrain from inappropriate physical contact such as wrestling, slapping, hitting etc. To promote safety and respect, if a youth appears out of control- threatening, yelling, swearing, violating personal boundaries; or has received a third check in a 24 hour period, they may be asked to take a time out to regain control.
Youth may not visit in other clients’ rooms. Residents need to ask permission to be outside. Clients need to be within sight of the main staff office, not on the sides or behind the building. After dark, a staff needs to accompany residents outside. Clients are not to use the back door to the alley.
To refrain from any sexual involvement such as kissing, hand holding, hugging, etc.
To refrain from any use of alcohol or drugs while at the Evergreen House.
To share in housework.
To pay restitution or work for the Evergreen House should I damage any property.
To keep this a safe neutral place to stay by not engaging in any gang related activity (no colors, signs, symbols...) this expectation applies to visitors as well.
To refrain from any theft of Evergreen or client property. Youth are not allowed to borrow or lend clothing or other personal items.
To use respectful language, and avoid swearing, put downs and name-calling.
To work on self-improvement. To learn to deal with problems I encounter and to begin working on my self-esteem, strengths and a healthy mind and body.
I authorize the Evergreen to freely share information with my parents and/or placing agent. I understand that other persons/agencies will only receive information through a signed release.
The staff have explained these expectations and I agree they are reasonable and worth supporting: