Complete Form for Campaign Plan Design
10-50 words per answer. If you don't know, skip it!
How it works:
Complete form with accurate information
OM will provide a campaign plan design for your review on email.
Choose to execute yourself, or hire us to execute the plan.
Business Information
First Name
Last Name
Facebook Profile
Twitter Handle
LinkedIn Public URL
Are there any other internet based portals that you leverage to reach an audience? Please list.
Campaign Information
What product, procedure of information do you want to promote? Please describe. (50-200 words)
What conversion metrics do you want to pursue?
Meetings / Consultations
Call Ins
Email Inquiries
Requests for More Information
Doctor Referrals
What audiences do you want to target?
Referral Doctors
Start campaign
End Campaign
What hospitals are you affiliated with and how? Please describe.
What surgery centers or cath labs are you affiliated with and how? Please describe.
Business Questions
Please answer as many questions as possible. The more information that you provide, the better that we can make a plan.
Tell me about your practice! What do you do? (10-100 words)
What is your exit strategy, if any? Please describe. (10-100 words)
Procedures & Products
What procedures / products do you offer? Please describe. (10-100 words)
What procedure or product is your top revenue generator? Please describe. (25-100 words)
How much do you charge for your procedures or products on average? Pricing? Please describe. (10-100 words)
What procedures or products do you use as a loss leader to generate sales for other products? Please describe (10-25 words)
What sort of change in volume would be meaningful to your business? # Sales? # Patients? Referral Relationships? Payer relationships? # Conversions? Please describe.
Do you have a sales staff? How does it work?
What are your target metrics: patient count? referral count? revenue? Phone meetings? Inbound inquiries? Please describe.
Are you able to reach your patients or doc relationships on social media? Please describe.
What channels / markets do you currently address? Which channels can we address? Are there any off limits? Please describe.
Are your patients responsive to email? Please describe.
Are your existing patients responsive to phone calls? Please describe.
Do you currently host webinars for your patients? Please describe.
Do you have a design in place for your pre-op patient engagement? Please describe.
What are your 3 core messages to attract new patients or relationships?
What are your 3 core messages for existing patients or relationships?
What is your ideal patient profile? Demographics? Age? Gender? Habits? Existing conditions? Please describe.
How much is a patient worth to practice?
What is your target market geogrpahically? Please describe.
What is the average value per procedure from a patient? Please describe.
What is the average # visits per year from patient? Please describe.
How long on average does it take to get a patient from new contact to procedure? Please describe.
How many times do you speak with individual patients each month? Please describe.
What is your ideal way to handle patients post-procedure? How do you want patients to engage with your practice after surgery?
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