Membership Application
We are excited that you desire to join the family of Redeeming Grace Church! Please fill out this application, and one of our church elders will contact you. Most of these areas are required, but if there is something that doesn't apply to you, just put "N/A."
First Name
Last Name
Date of birth
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone number (please specify home or cell)
Marital status
Anniversary (if married)
If you have children, please list their names and birthdays (format of MM/DD/YYYY)
Church Information
Here we just need a little information about where you are coming from and how you got to Redeeming Grace. If you don't know the exact dates that you did some of these things, then simply give us your best guess.
Have you been baptized by immersion after coming to know Jesus?
If so, when and where were you baptized?
Are you currently a member of another church?
If you are a member of another church, what email address can we use for that church in order to facilitate an orderly transfer of membership? (The pastor's email is best, though a general church email is okay as well.)
How were you introduced to Redeeming Grace Church?
How long have you been attending Redeeming Grace Church?
Have you read the Membership Handbook in its entirety (excluding appendices)?
Please give an account of how you came to know Jesus personally. Please include three paragraphs: (1) What was your life like before coming to Jesus? (2) How did you come to embrace Jesus? (3) How has your life been different since embracing Jesus?
Please finish the following statement: "I know I am a Christian because..."
Current Involvement
How frequently do you usually attend Sunday Worship Gatherings at Redeeming Grace?
Just about every week
3 weeks per month
2 weeks per month
1 week per month
Less than 1 week per month
How frequently do you usually attend a Community Group at Redeeming Grace?
Just about every week
3 weeks per month
2 weeks per month
1 week per month
Less than 1 week per month
On average, about how many days per week do you read the Bible and pray on your own?
Never or hardly ever
About 1 day per week
About 2-3 days per week
About 4-5 days per week
About 6-7 days per week
On average, about how much time do you spend reading and praying on those days?
Less than 5 minutes each time
About 5-10 minutes each time
About 10-20 minutes each time
About 20-30 minutes each time
About 30-60 minutes each time
More than 60 minutes each time
How interested would you be in meeting weekly with a mature Christian for several months in order to be discipled (mentored) by them?
Very interested
Somewhat interested
Not interested at this time
I believe I'm already fairly mature as a Christian and would be interested in discipling someone else
Here is our
Statement of Beliefs
Have you read and do you agree with Redeeming Grace Church's Statement of Beliefs in its entirety?
See my concern described below
Please briefly describe any areas of concern you have with our Statement of Beliefs.
Here are our church's
Constitution and Bylaws
Do you agree to abide by Redeeming Grace Church's Constitution and Bylaws?
See my concern described below
Please briefly describe any areas of concern you have with our Constitution or Bylaws.
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