Since NCEM is legally incorporated in Canada, it is subject to the laws of Canada. As an organization, our ministry will only be effective as our employees or volunteers maintain a personal lifestyle and standards consistent with Scripture, providing a positive example.
One of the fundamental beliefs of NCEM is that the Bible is our final authority in both faith and practice. Scripture provides a higher standard than that expressed in these policies and our personnel (employees, volunteers, and other individuals as they represent NCEM in approved roles) are expected to live by that higher standard. These policies presents minimal guidelines. The purpose of these policies is to put in writing the expectations, terms and conditions of employees and volunteers, relating to ethical conduct, non‑harassment, and sexual conduct
Ethical Conduct Policy
NCEM personnel and volunteers are required to avoid conduct that is unethical or immoral or behaviour that is contrary to Biblical principles including:
1) substance abuse. (NCEM encourages abstinence from use of tobacco, social use of alcohol and recreational use of drugs;
2) premarital sexual relationships (fornication), extra-marital sexual relationships (adultery), and homosexual relationships.
3) reading or viewing of pornographic material;
4) wearing provocative or immodest clothing;
5) sexual assault or abuse (see NCEM's Sexual Conduct Policy);
6) harassment and abusive behaviour (see NCEM's Non-Harassment Policy);
7) lying, deceit or dishonesty; and
8) criminal activity including: theft and fraud.
If any NCEM personnel violates or breaches these requirements, NCEM will take appropriate disciplinary action up to and including, suspension or termination of involvement.
Non‑Harassment Policy
Harassment includes:
1) The engagement in a course of vexations, comments or conduct that is known, or should reasonably be known, to be unwelcome;
2) Unwelcome remarks of a racial, ethnic, personal or similar nature;
3) An act or course of conduct that would reasonably be regarded as harassment.
NCEM is committed to providing a work place free from harassment from other personnel. All personnel share in the responsibility of keeping the workplace free from harassment. NCEM leaders will take appropriate disciplinary action against any personnel who subjects another person to any form of harassment. Personnel can be confident that any matters, relating to harassment of any form, will be handled in confidence and will be accepted without fear of reprisal. Specifically, the name of a person reporting an incident, and the circumstances related to the incident or alleged incident, will only be disclosed to the extent that it is necessary for the purpose of investigation and taking disciplinary measures.
1) If any personnel believes that he or she is the subject of harassment of any form, they should document the place, date and time, and the details of how the incident happened.
2) If they feel safe in doing so, he or she should confront the harasser. They should state that they are feeling harassed, and ask the harasser to stop the behaviour immediately.
3) If they do not feel safe in confronting the harasser, or if the harasser does not stop, they should report the incident to their supervisor or another NCEM leader.
If any NCEM personnel violates or breaches these requirements, NCEM will take appropriate disciplinary action up to and including, suspension or termination of involvement.
Sexual Conduct Policy
In Scripture we see that God has clearly differentiated between male and female, each uniquely created for His purpose (Genesis 1:27, 2:18-25; I Corinthians 11:11-12). Further, proper relationships between individuals - male and female - are only possible as His commands are followed (Ephesians 5:21-33; I Corinthians 6:17-19; Titus 2:2-7).
We uphold the Biblical principle that sexual relationships are reserved exclusively for a husband and wife within the bonds of marriage. As those engaged in Christian ministry, NCEM personnel (employees, volunteers, and other individuals as they represent NCEM in approved roles) are to live exemplary lives that are above reproach.
Therefore, NCEM adopts the following policy:
Sexual Misconduct includes, but is not limited to:
- Any conduct or speech which is sexually offensive.
- Sexual advances, suggestive remarks, solicitation, or physical contact made by one person to another whether or not he or she is in a position to grant or deny a benefit to another (such as advances from a supervisor to an employee), and
- A reprisal by a person, against the person who rejected his or her advance, such as termination or demoting of an employee because the employee refused such an advance.
- Conduct or speech, which is unlawful according to Canadian laws or is inconsistent with principles in God’s Word.
Sexual misconduct will not be tolerated by NCEM personnel.
All personnel share in the responsibility of keeping the workplace free from sexual misconduct. NCEM leaders will take appropriate disciplinary action against any personnel who subjects another person to any form of sexual misconduct. Personnel can be confident that any matters, relating to sexual misconduct of any form, will be handled in confidence and will be accepted without fear of reprisal. Specifically, the name of a person reporting an incident, and the circumstances related to the incident or alleged incident, will only be disclosed to the extent that it is necessary for the purpose of investigation and taking disciplinary measures.
Should an allegation of sexual misconduct be made, and subsequent internal, external or criminal investigation reveal wrongful action on the part of NCEM personnel, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken, up to and including dismissal from involvement with NCEM.