The details of your scores are below.
Quality Food
Your Quality Food score is: {scoreFood} out of 12, which is {Food}. Of course, no single guideline fits everyone. Also, contrary to many functional medicine nutritionists, in the socring, based on the M.I.N.D. diet research, some sweets are allowed, Dairy is not, and grains are encouraged.
We have chosen the M.I.N.D. diet as a score guideline, because of its ability to nourish the brain, a key to improving tinnitus. "In recent studies, the MIND diet showed that it helped lower the risk of Alzheimer's by as much as 53 percent in participants who adhered to the diet rigorously, and by about 35 percent in those who followed it moderately well." (Learn more about the research.)
- People with scores 9 or below benefit most from the "Return to Quality Food" program. We will provide this to you in the HBL-t program or Tinnitus Synergy program.
Willing to work to Change your Eating?: {willingtochangeeating} If you are willing to change, there is always hope, because we have great solutions.
Your Sleep Index total: {psqiTotal} and Interpretation: {psqiInterpretation}
- If you scored 6 or higher, you will likely benefit from a combination of the "Sleep is Good, Good Sleep is Better" program combined with the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), especially the "Thought Challenger," and Progressive Muscle Relaxation for Tinnitus (PMR-t). We will provide these to you in the HBL-t program or Tinnitus Synergy program.
Tinnnitus Effects on your Activities
Your Effects on Activities score is: {scoreActivities} out of 28.
- People with scores 16 or above benefit most from the "CBT: Engage the Pleasant & Positive” activity. We will provide this to you in the HBL-t program or Tinnitus Synergy program.
Mind Affecting body
Does your Tinnitus make you Tense or Uptight?: {doesYour}
- If yes, you may benefit from the “Progressive Muscle Relaxation” activity. We will provide this to you in the HBL-t program or Tinnitus Synergy program.
Mind being Negatively Affected
Your Negative Thoughts score is: {negativeThoughts} out of 52, which is {negativeThoughts194}.
Negative thoughts: {theseAre89}
Stress Severity: {pleaseRate112}
Depression Severity: {pleaseRate}
Willing to work to change your mind?: {willingtochangemind}
- If your responses reveal that you tend to think a large number of negative thoughts AND you are willing to work to change those thoughts, we recommend that you begin the "Thought Challenger" activity to show how you can manage negative thoughts and change the way that you think in response to your tinnitus. We will provide this to you in the HBL-t program or Tinnitus Synergy program.
- Those who with a Negative Thoughts score 35% or greateraer very likely to benefit from the “Thought Challenger” activity to show how you can manage negative thoughts and change the way that you think in response to your tinnitus. We will provide this to you.
- If you have thoughts of suicide, it is VERY important that you get additional support. Help is available on a hotline. (Call 1-800-273-8255).
Interfering with Activities?
Your Activities Affected score is: {scoreActivities} out of 28, which is {Activities}. Of course, some avoidance is smart and healthy.
- People with scores 16/28 (57%) or above, meaning you tend to avoid activities often due to tinnitus, benefit most from the "CBT: Engage the Pleasant & Positive” activity. We will provide this to you in the HBL-t program or Tinnitus Synergy program.
Physical Fitness Assessment
Your estimated MET level of cardiorespiratory fitness is: {metEstimate} - (aiming for 13 or more)
What does a MET (metabolic equivalent) mean for your health?
Part of this is lifestyle and part is genetics. There is an association with METs, brain health, and cardiovascular health.
Your goal is to be at 13 or higher METs.
Your estimated MET level of cardiorespiratory fitness is: {metEstimate}
- Less than 3 METs = Severely limited functional capacity; a criteria for placement on a heart transplant list
- 3-5 METs = Poor prognosis in coronary patients; highly deconditioned individual
- 10 METs = Good prognosis in coronary patients on medical therapy; approximate maximal capacity expected in regularly active middle-aged men and women
- 13 METs = Excellent prognosis regardless of disease status
- 18 METs = Elite endurance athletes